Source Type

The various creators of gameplay resources are: PMs; ARG community; game-specific community; individual players; and an existing property community.

2.1.1 Puppet-Master

An ARG designer is known as a 'puppet-master' or PM. PM-created resources are, when compared to player-created resources, in the minority. This is due to a number of factors, including ARG verisimulate discussed in the journal essay. It should be noted too that most of the game-play resources created by PMs have been for large-scale ARGs that target ARG and non-ARG players. This shows an effort to target audiences according to player expertise. Table 3 shows examples of PM-created resources, listed according to media type.

BLOGS - Art of the Heist (Campfire, GMD Studios, McKinney-Silver, 2005) - Eldritch Errors: Scream in the Mountains (GMD Studios, 2007) - The Lost Experience (ABC, Channel 4, Yahoo!7, 2006) - Perplex City (Mind Candy Design, 2005-2007) - Jericho ARG (CBS, 2008) - 'Stolen A3' - 'Story Thus Far' - 'Speaker' (ABC, 2006), 'The Other Girl' (Channel 4, 2006) and 'Lost Ninja' (Yahoo!7, 2006) - Story So Far/CatchUp blog - Jericho ARG blog
FORUMS - Art of the Heist (Campfire, GMD Studios, McKinney-Silver, 2005) - Eldritch Errors: Scream in the Mountains (GMD Studios, 2007) - The Ocular Effect (Matt Wolf & Xenophile Media, 2006) - Perplex City (Mind Candy Design, 2005-2007) - ReGenesis Extended Reality GameI (Xenophile Media, 2005) - ReGenesis Extended Reality GameII (Xenophile Media, 2006) - Art of the H3ist forum - Sentry OutPost Forums - Ocular Effect Forum - Perplex City Forums:one,two - ReGenesis ERG I Forum - ReGenesis ERG II Forum
WIKIS Eldritch Errors: Scream in the Mountains (GMD Studios, 2007) Sentry OutPost Wiki
LISTSERVS - Heroes Evolutions (was Heroes 360) Season 1 (NBC, 2007) - Push, Nevada (LivePlanet, 2002) - Listserv through sign-up at ingame website: PrimaTechPaper(NBC, 2007) - Enoch Push Dialectic listserv [Thompson (2007) says listserv was most probably set up by the PMs.]
PODCASTS - Perplex City(Mind Candy Design, 2005-2007) - ReGenesis Extended Reality GameII (Xenophile Media, 2006) - Perplex City Story So Far Podcast(also through iTunes) - ReGenesis II ERG: no-longer online (was through iTunes)
OTHER: WEBSITES -Heroes Evolutions (was Heroes 360)Season 1 (NBC, 2007) - Heroes Evolutions (was Heroes 360) Season 2 (NBC, 2007) - The Lost Experience (ABC, Channel 4, Yahoo!7, 2006) - The Lost Experience (ABC, Channel 4, Yahoo!7, 2006) - Perplex City (Mind Candy Design, 2005-2007) - Heroes Evolutions Season 1 Walk-Through (NBC, 2007a) - Heroes Evolutions Season 2 Walk-Through (NBC, 2007b) - Rachel Blake's 'Recap'(ABC, 2006) - The Other Girl's 'Timeline'/Walk-Through (Channel 4, 2006) - Perplex City Walkthrough' (Mind Candy Design, 2005)

2.1.2 ARG Community

ARG community gameplay resources refers to resources created for a particular ARG within an existing ARG community. At present there are two main ARG community sites -- Alternate Reality Gaming Network and Unfiction -- which formed during the 2002 ARG Lockjaw (Thompson, 2006a). ARG Community resources include threads in unfiction forums, Immersion Unlimited and Deaddrop. Community sites utilise, due to the collaborative nature of the software, forums, wikis, and IRC (internet-mediated chat). Although not indicated here in the short listing I've provided in table 4, ARG community resources are in the majority (particularly for forums).

FORUMS - Art of the Heist (Campfire, GMD Studios, McKinney-Silver, 2005) - Eldritch Errors: Scream in the Mountains (GMD Studios, 2007) - I Love Bees(42 Entertainment, 2004) - The Lost Experience(ABC, Channel 4, Yahoo!7, 2006) - Metacortechs(various, 2003) - Monster Hunt Club(ARG Studios, 2007) - Push, Nevada(LivePlanet, 2002) - Perplex City(Mind Candy Design, 2005-2007) - ReGenesis Extended Reality GameI (Xenophile Media, 2005) - Heroes Evolutions (was Heroes 360)(NBC, 2007-8) - JerichoARG: Tom Tooman (CBS, 2007-8) UnFiction UnForums - Art of the H3ist Forum - Eldritch Errors Forum - I Love Bees (The Haunted Apiary) Forum - The Lost Experience Forum - Metacortechs Forum - Monster Hunt Club Forum - Perplex City Forum - Push, NV Forum - ReGenesis I ERG Forum - Heroes Evolutions Forum - Tom Tooman ARG (Jericho) Forum
WIKIS - Art of the Heist (Campfire, GMD Studios, McKinney-Silver, 2005) - Aware (various, 2004) Deaddrop Deaddrop Art of the H3ist wiki Deaddrop Aware wiki
BLOGS - Perplex City (Mind Candy Design, 2005-2007) - Perplex City (Mind Candy Design, 2005-2007) UnFiction UnFiction - UnFiction Perplex City blog '- Perplex City in 60 Seconds' blog

2.1.3 Game-Specific Community

A game-specific community is one in which a group of players of a specific game create resources for that game only. They sometimes assign themselves a name. The 'Cloudmakers', for instance, emerged out of The Beast and is the name of a yacht featured in the ARG. But the Cloudmakers have also played other games under that title. In his academic paper on the subject, Jeremy Reynolds lists a few player groups and their ARGs: 'Cloudmakers' for The Beast, 'Retrievers' for Art of the Heist (which was actually assigned by the PMs); 'Beekeepers', 'Crewmembers' and the 'Sleeping Princess Army' for I Love Bees (Reynolds, 2006). 'The Namastae' is the community name for a group of The Lost Experience (ABC, 2006) players. It was decided by a poll in the Lost Experience listserv, in May 2006.

LISTSERVS - The Beast(Microsoft Game Studio, 2001) - The Beast(Microsoft Game Studio, 2001) - Lockjaw (Andy Aiken, Bruce Cain, Clay Chiment, Derek Jensen,Brooke Thompsonand Krystyn Wells, 2002) - Lockjaw (Andy Aiken, Bruce Cain, Clay Chiment, Derek Jensen,Brooke Thompsonand Krystyn Wells, 2002) - The Lost Experience(ABC, Channel 4, Yahoo!7, 2006) - Cloudmakers - Cloudmakers - Jawbreakers - Jawbreakers - The Namastae - Cloudmakers listserv(2001) [created by Cabel Sasser (McGonigal, 2003) on 12th April 2001] - Cloudmakers listserv - moderated(2001) [created by Dan Hon? on 18th April 2001] - Jawbreaker listserv(2002) [created by Steve Peters (vpisteve) on 9th Feb 2002] - Jawbreaker listserv - moderated(2002) [created by Steve Peters (vpisteve) on 9th Feb 2002] - Lost Game: The Namaste(2006) [created by Cloudmaker Johnny J. Young on 27th April 2006]
WIKIS - I Love Bees(42 Entertainment, 2004) - Perplex City(Mind Candy Design, 2005-2007) Fireflies no name - Fireflies I Love Bees wiki - Perplex City wiki
OTHER WEBSITES - The Lost Experience(ABC, Channel 4, Yahoo!7, 2006) - Metacortechs(various, 2003) The Namastae Metaurchins -The Lost Experience Trail[Yahoo txt file] - Metacortechs Trail[No-longer online]

2.1.4 Individual Players

Individual players also create resources, usually general webpages and sometimes blogs and wikis. These forms of textual production, Guides, Primers, Timelines, are considered interpretations and personal expressions that are single-voiced. This is why they are attributed to a single author, and are usually housed on the author's own server.

BLOGS Perplex City(Mind Candy Design, 2005-2007) Dark Blaze Glimpse my Mind* (* Perplex City was Project Syzergy)
WIKIS The Dark Knight (42 Entertainment, 2007-2008) I Love Bees(42 Entertainment, 2004) Monster Hunt Club(ARG Studios, 2007) The Ocular Effect(Matt Wolf & Xenophile Media, 2006) Sammeeeees (Jan Libby, 2006) World Without Oil(various, 2007) Brian Enigma Geoff May (aka The Bruce) Geoff May (aka The Bruce) Geoff May (aka The Bruce) Patmo Geoff May (aka The Bruce) The Dark Knight wiki I Love Bees wiki The Monster Hunt Club wiki The Ocular Effect wiki Sammeeeees wiki WWO wiki
WEBSITES Acheron(various, 2003) Chasing the Wish(Dave Szulborski+, 2003) I Love Bees(42 Entertainment, 2004) I Love Bees(42 Entertainment, 2004) I Love Bees(42 Entertainment, 2004) Lockjaw (Andy Aiken, Bruce Cain, Clay Chiment, Derek Jensen,Brooke Thompsonand Krystyn Wells, 2002) Metacortechs(various, 2003) [Before Matrix Revolutions] Perplex City(Mind Candy Design, 2005-2007) Perplex City(Mind Candy Design, 2005-2007) Perplex City(Mind Candy Design, 2005-2007) Sammeeeees (Jan Libby, 2006) Urban Hunt (Dave Szulborski+, 2004) Dee Cook (aka Addlepated) Michelle Senderhauf (aka varin) Brian Enigma Geoff May (aka The Bruce) Rowan Steve Peters (aka vpisteve) Steve Peters (aka vpisteve) Sean Stacey (aka SpaceBass) ChessPieceFace Brian Enigma Brian Enigma Seej Yanka unknown Konamouse RobMagus Acheron website Chasing the Wish Guide I Love Bees wiki I Love Bees Plot Timeline The Haunted Apiary Guide Jawbreakers Quickstart Instructions Jawbreakers Guide Lockjaw Trail Lockjaw Timeline Metacortex Puzzles Metacortechs Primer Perplex City Introduction Perplex City Story Timeline Perplex City puzzle site Billion 2 One Sammeeeees Trail with Pics Urban Hunt Guide

I would have to say that ARG-player resources appear to have remained fairly consistent in their content and appearance. Some recent variations, however, include Konamouse's 'trail' for Jan Libby'sSammeeeees(2006). As you can see from figure X, player 'Konamouse' has utilised different software:

Figure 9. Screenshot of Konamouse's Sammeeeees Trail

2.1.5 Non-ARG Community

Due to the popularity of ARGs and any work that appears to be an ARG, there are many gameplay resources being created in existing community sites dedicated to a non-ARG but extant entertainment properties and in individual sites. For example, the Metacortechs ARG extends the The Matrix property but gameplay resources were created by players in existing Matrix fansites such as MatrixFans forum for Metacortechs; the same with the SuperHeroHype forum The Dark Knight ARG _and Cloverfield Clues by Dennis (2007) for _Cloverfield.

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